mineralogy and petrology-凯发app


1. a brief introduction on mineralogy and petrologymajor

earth and other extraterrestrial stars are primarilycomposed of rocks and minerals. the mineralogy and petrology major innanjing university, as one of the basic majors of geology, wasestablished by mr. ke-zhen zhu in 1921. then, it has been built intoa high-level talent training base which has distinctivecharacteristics and widespread influence both in china and abroad viathe significant contributions of several generations of scholars,including xue-qing li, nai sun, de-zi wang, shou-yuan ji, xin-minzhou, gu-feng luo, and so on. so far, it has cultivated a largenumber of outstanding talents for the country. in addition, themineralogy and petrology major has always been one of the predominantmajors in nanjing university, one of the important components of thenational “geology” professional training base, and one of thecrucially supporting subject of the state key laboratory for mineraldeposits research (nanjing university).

2. the research areas and teachers

mineralogy is a science of exploring the spatial andtemporal distribution law of the mineral formation, history ofmineral transformation and the application of mineralogy through thestudy of mineral’s chemical composition, crystal structure,physical properties, genetic characteristics and mechanism. petrologyis a science of exploring the mineral and chemical composition,structure, occurrence, genesis, symbiotic assemblage, distribution ofthe rocks, and the relationship between rocks and ore deposits. theresearch areas of mineralogy and petrology major includeunderstanding the evolution of the earth and planets, exploring thecomposition of the earth's interior, reconstructing thepaleogeography, paleoenvironment and paleoclimate, and so on.

teachers: professor de-zi wang (academician of chineseacademy of sciences), professor jing-sui yang (academician of chineseacademy of sciences), professor ru-cheng wang (awardee of thenational science fund for distinguished young scholars, awardee ofchang jiang scholars program), professor xi-sheng xu (awardee of thenational science fund for distinguished young scholars, awardee ofchang jiang scholars program), professor xiang wang, professorjin-hai yu, professor chun-ming lin, professor xiu-mian hu (awardeeof the national science fund for distinguished young scholars),professor yuan-feng cai, professor zhi-dong xie, professor ai-chengzhang (awardee of the national science fund for distinguished youngscholars), professor xiao-zhi yang (awardee of the national sciencefund for distinguished young scholars, awardee of the recruitmentprogram for young professionals of “thousand talents plan”),professor xiao-lei wang (awardee of the national science fund fordistinguished young scholars), professor he-jiu hui (awardee of thenational science fund for distinguished young scholars, awardee ofthe recruitment program for young professionals of “thousandtalents plan”), professor lei xie (awardee of excellentyoung scientists fund), associateprofessor xu-dong che, associate professor gang zeng, associateprofessor xia zhang, and associate professor yan xia.
