hydrology and water resources-凯发app


hydrologyand water resources

nanjinguniversity (nju) is one of three universities which pioneeredestablishment of “hydrogeologyand engineering geology”specialty in 1952. nju has established a new specialty “hydrologyand water resources”by combining resources in groundwater and surface water subjects in1999 and set up “instituteof water resources and hydro-environment”in 2004. later on, as one of three departments in school of earthsciences and engineering, departmentof hydrosciences (dhs)was established in april, 2006, in order to strengthen substantialinterdisciplinarity and integration in water resources. it offers twoundergraduate programs: “hydrologyand water resources engineering”,and “groundwatersciences and engineering”.

theprogram of hydrologyand water resources engineeringwas chartered as jiangsucharacteristic specialty for undergraduatesin 2005, and one of the first characteristicspecialties for undergraduates (second type)by ministry of education in 2007, and keyspecialty for undergraduates in colleges and universities in jiangsuin 2012. hydrology and water resources was entitled jiangsukey discipline in 2006and national keydiscipline (being nurtured)in 2007. meanwhile, hydraulic engineering discipline was entitledjiangsu key disciplineof first class in theeleventh & twelve five-year plans.

dueto historical reasons, the disciplines related to water science incolleges and universities of china focus on either surface water orgroundwater individually, and few covers both areas. all threenational key disciplines of hydrology and water resources concentrateon surface hydrology. rather, dhs in nju has strong strength in bothsurface and subsurface hydrology (especially the latter). the strongfaculty possess distinctive features and outstanding achievements,and make significant contributions to the development ofwater-related sciences in china. thence, dhs is capable of fosteringvarious professionals in water resources from undergraduate level topost-doctoral level and become a leading base for innovative talenttraining and demonstration in the field of water sciences in china.

dhsco-founded state keylaboratory of pollution control and resource reuse,engineering researchcenter of water treatment and water environment restoration,ministry of education(together with the school of the environment in nju), and keylaboratory of surficial geochemistry,ministry of education.in addition, dhs plays a significant role in national research andeducation organizations. for instance, dhs serves as vice presidentunit of groundwater branch of chinese national committee forinternational association of hydrological sciences, deputy directorof hydrology and water resources teaching guidance group of theministry of education, deputy director of groundwater science andengineering committee of china water conservancy society, deputydirector of water resources committee of china society of naturalresources, the fourth and fifth standing council director of highereducation branch of china association of hydraulic engineeringeducation, deputy director of hydrology and water resources educationand research association, deputy director of hydraulic committee ofjiangsu water conservancy society, director of hydrogeology committeeof geological society of jiangsu province.

researchfocus areas:

  • groundwater modeling

  • surface water hydrology

  • aquatic environmental chemistry

  • groundwater utilization and protection
