













南京大学 2009.9-2013.6 地质学学士

南京大学 2013.9-2015.6 矿产普查与勘探硕士研究生

南京大学2015.9-2019.6 海洋地球化学博士研究生

耶鲁大学2016.11-2018.9 国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士研究生




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1. 金属同位素 (如铀、钙、锂、钡等) 示踪早期地球大陆风化强度、海洋氧化还原状态及成岩过程

2. 海相碳酸盐岩早期成岩过程中不同同位素体系的变化及数值模拟过程

3. 显生宙关键地质事件环境和生物协同演化



1.      neptune plus mc-icp-ms, element xr icp-ms, icp-oes, mat 253气体质谱的操作及简单维护

2.      matlab, r语言编程



1.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,42373056中晚寒武纪至早奥陶纪(520-480 ma)生物演化低谷期的环境变化,2024-01-012027-12-31,54万元,在研,主持.

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 42002002, 华南扬子地区寒武纪早中期(542–505ma)化学风化与物源输入演化研究, 2021-01-01  2023-12-31, 24万元, 在研, 主持.

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 42261144668, 二叠纪末生物大灭绝与三叠纪迟缓复苏的环境背景:来自伊朗和华南的证据, 2023-01-01  2025-12-31, 199万元, 在研, 参与.

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 42230808, 准噶尔盆地二叠纪生物-环境协同演化与有机质富集成烃机制, 2023-01-01  2027-12-31, 272万元, 在研, 参与.

5. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 92162211, 基于三千米科学钻孔岩芯的川西甲基卡花岗伟晶岩型锂矿床成因与成矿构造背景探讨, 2022-01-01  2025-12-31, 330万元, 在研, 参与.

6. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大项目, 42192504, 关键地质历史时期矿物-微生物共演化的资源环境效应, 2022-01-01  2026-12-31, 350万元, 在研, 参与

7. 科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2021yfa0718100, 地球与生命早期协同演化的金属同位素示踪技术与原理, 2021-12  2026-11, 400万元, 在研, 参与骨干.

8. 中国科学院, 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(b类), xdb26020101, 新元古代-古生代关键时期海洋的环境演变与亲生命元素变化, 2018-06  2023-05, 450万元, 在研, 参与骨干.




[1]   刘孟南,李涛,魏广祎,张飞飞,陈骏,李高军. 2022. 成冰纪南华盆地海水氧化还原性质的钨稳定同位素限定. 科学通报,doi:10.1360/tb-2022-1005.

[2]   郭柏,胡镕,魏广祎,曲扬,李达,殷一盛,凌洪飞,陈天宇. 2022. 东赤道太平洋高生产力和热液活动叠加沉积环境铁组分特征及其古海洋意义. 地球化学, doi:10.19700/j.0379-1726.2021.06.011. 

[3]   邱晨,魏广祎,闵思雨,陈曦,凌洪飞. 2022. 寒武纪第十期早期海洋氧化还原波动:来自u同位素的证据. 高效地质学报 28(1), 40-50.

[4]   刘佳辉, 曲扬, 李伟强, 魏广祎, 孙倩元, 凌洪飞, 陈天宇. 2022. 西太平洋铁锰结壳中两类不同成因磷酸盐的元素特征、形成机制及指示意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质 42(2), 36-45.

[5]   薛玮玮凌洪飞李达卫炜魏广祎高梦奇. 2018. 修水地区下寒武统富铀地层特征及其铀富集机制研究高校地质学报24(2), 210-221.

[6]   王丹,凌洪飞,ulrich struck,姚素平,李达,卫炜,魏广祎. 2016. 湖南会同剖面早寒武系地层有机碳同位素地层学研究高校地质学报22(2), 274-288.



[1]      yin, y.-s., wei, g.-y.*, pogge von strandmann, p.a.e., lechte, m.a., hohl, s.v., lin, y.-b., li, d., chen, t., yang, t., zhang, f., isson, t.t., zhang, h., cai, y., ling, h.-f., 2023. widespread clay authigenesis and highly congruent silicate weathering in the marinoan aftermath. earth and planetary science letters 623, 118423.

[2]      gong, z., wei, g.-y., fakhraee, m., alcott, l.j., jiang, l., zhao, m., planavsky, n.j., 2023. revisiting marine redox conditions during the ediacaran shuram carbon isotope excursion. geobiology, 36755479.

[3]     wei, g.-y., zhang, f.*, yin, y.-s., lin, y.-b., pogge von strandmann, p.a.e., cao, m., li, n., xiong, g., chen, x., fan, c., xu, c., tan, f., zhang, x., yang, h., ling, h.-f., shen, s.-z., 2023. a 13 million-year record of li isotope compositions in island carbonates: constraints on bulk inorganic carbonate as a global seawater li isotope archive. geochimica et cosmochimica acta 344, 59-72.

[4]      lin, y.-b., wei, h.-z., zhang, f., hohl, s.v., wei, g.-y., li, t., xiong, g.-l., li, n., jiang, s.-y., 2022. evaluation of shallow-water corals and associated carbonate sediments as seawater ba isotope archives in the south china sea. palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 605, 111196.

[5]      li, n., zhang, f., gao, j., cao, m., wei, g.-y., wang, h., zhang, z., cheng, m., xiong, g., zhou, j., zhang, h., peng, y., li, c., shen, s.-z., 2022. assessing bulk carbonates as archives for seawater sulfur isotopic composition using shallow water cores from the south china sea. palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 598, 111029.

[6]      wei, g.-y.*, hood, a.v.s., planavsky, n.j., li, d., ling, h.f. and tarhan, l.g.*, 2022. calcium isotopic constraints on the transition from aragonite seas to calcite seas in the cambrian. global biogeochemical cycles, e2021gb007235.

[7]      wei, g.-y.*, wang, j., planavsky, n.j., zhao, m., wei, w., ling, h.-f., 2022. reply to cui: comment on “on the origin of shuram carbon isotope excursion in south china and its implication for ediacaran atmospheric oxygen levels”. precambrian research 380, 106838.

[8]      wei, g.-y.*, wang, j., planavsky, n.j., zhao, m., bolton, e.w., jiang, l., asael, d., wei, w. and ling, h.-f., 2022. on the origin of shuram carbon isotope excursion in south china and its implication for ediacaran atmospheric oxygen levels. precambrian research, 375: 106673.

[9]      wei, w.-f., liu, b., sun, l.-q., wei, g.-y., chen, w.-f., chen, x., fang, q.-c., tang, x.-s., li, j., ling, h.-f., 2022. molybdenum isotope variation mechanism and ore-genesis of niutoushan pb–zn sulfide orebodies in the xiangshan volcanic basin, south china. journal of geochemical exploration 242, 107057.

[10]    hohl, s.v., jiang, s.y., becker, h., wei, h.z., wei, g.-y., xu, j., guo, q., viehmann, s. and van acken, d., 2022. spatiotemporal evolution of late neoproterozoic marine environments on the yangtze platform (south china): linking continental weathering and marine cp cycles. global and planetary change 216, 103927.

[11]    zhang, f., frýda, j., fakhraee, m., lin, y.-b., wei, g.-y., cao, m., li, n., zhou, j., frýdová, b., wei, h. and shen, s.-z., 2022. marine anoxia as a trigger for the largest phanerozoic positive carbon isotope excursion: evidence from carbonate barium isotope record. earth and planetary science letters, 584: 117421.

[12]    zhang, f., stockey, r.g., xiao, s., shen, s.-z., dahl, t.w., wei, g.-y., cao, m., li, z., kang, j., cui, y., anbar, a.d. and planavsky, n.j., 2022. uranium isotope evidence for extensive shallow water anoxia in the early tonian oceans. earth and planetary science letters, 583: 117437.

[13]    wang, h., wang, d.*wei, g.-y.*, ling, h.-f., struck, u., wei, w., yao, s., cheng, c., li, j., sun, y., wang, m. and zhu, x.*, 2022. increases in marine environmental heterogeneity during the early animal innovations: evidence from nitrogen isotopes in south china. precambrian research, 369: 106501.

[14]    li, f., penman, d., planavsky, n., knudsen, a., zhao, m., wang, x., isson, t., huang, k., wei, g., zhang, s., shen, j., zhu, x. and shen, b., 2021. reverse weathering may amplify post-snowball atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. precambrian research, 364: 106279.

[15]    wei, g.-y.*, chen, t., poulton, s.w., lin, y.-b., he, t., shi, x., chen, j., li, h., qiao, s., liu, j., li, d. and ling, h.-f., 2021. a chemical weathering control on the delivery of particulate iron to the continental shelf. geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 308: 204-216.

[16]    wei g.-y.*, ling, h.-f.*, shields, g. a., hohl, s. v., yang, t., lin, y.-b., zhang, f., 2021. revisiting stepwise ocean oxygenation with authigenic barium enrichments in marine mudrocks. geology 49, 10.1130/g48825.1.

[17]    pan, w., cao, m., du, y., cheng, m., zhou, y.-q., algeo, t. j., zhao, m.-y., thibault, n., li, c., wei, g.-y. and dahl, t. w., 2021. paired u and mo isotope evidence for pervasive anoxia in the cryogenian early interglacial ocean.precambrian research 361, 106244.

[18]    wei, w., zeng, z., shen, j., tian, l.-l., wei, g.-y., ling, h.-f. and huang, f., 2021. dramatic changes in the carbonate-hosted barium isotopic compositions in the ediacaran yangtze platform. geochimica et cosmochimica acta 299, 113-129.

[19]    wei, g.-y.*, planavsky, n. j., he, t., zhang, f., stockey, r. g., cole, d. b., lin, y.-b., ling, h.-f.*, 2021. global marine redox evolution from the late neoproterozoic to the early paleozoic constrained by the integration of mo and u isotope records. earth-science reviews, 214: 103506.

[20]    zhao, m., planavsky, n., oehlert, a. m., wei, g. and gong, z., 2020. simulating meteoric and mixing zone carbonate diagenesis with a two-dimensional reactive transport model. american journal of science 320, 599-636.

[21]    wei, w., frei, r., klaebe, r., tang, d., wei, g.-y., li, d., tian, l.-l., huang, f. and ling, h.-f., 2021. a transient swing to higher oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans at ~1.4 ga. precambrian research, 354: 106058.

[22]    wei, g.-y.*, planavsky, n. j., tarhan, l. g., he, t., wang, d., shields, g. a., wei, w. and ling, h.-f.*, 2020. highly dynamic marine redox state through the cambrian explosion highlighted by authigenic δ238u records. earth and planetary science letters 544, 116361.

[23]    wei, g.-y.*, wei, w., wang, d., li, t., yang, x., shields, g. a., zhang, f., li, g., chen, t., yang, t. and ling, h.-f., 2020. enhanced chemical weathering triggered an expansion of euxinic seawater in the aftermath of the sturtian glaciation. earth and planetary science letters 539, 116244.

[24]    pogge von strandmann, p. a. e., schmidt, d. n., planavsky, n. j., wei, g., todd, c. l. and baumann, k.-h., 2019. assessing bulk carbonates as archives for seawater li isotope ratios. chemical geology 530, 119338.

[25]    wei, g.-y.*, ling, h.-f.*, shields, g. a., chen, t., lechte, m., chen, x., qiu, c., lei, h. and zhu, m., 2019. long-term evolution of terrestrial inputs from the ediacaran to early cambrian: clues from nd isotopes in shallow-marine carbonates, south china. palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 535, 109367.

[26]    wei, g.-y.*, hood, a.vs., chen, x., li, d., wei, w., wen, b., gong, z., yang, t., zhang, z.-f., ling, h.-f.*, 2019. ca and sr isotope constraints on the formation of the marinoan cap dolostones. earth and planetary science letters 511, 202-212.

[27]    wei, g.-y.*, planavsky, n. j., tarhan, l. g., chen, x., wei, w., li, d.* and ling, h.-f.*, 2018. marine redox fluctuation as a potential trigger for the cambrian explosion. geology 46, 587-590.

[28]    wei, g.-y., ling, h.-f.*, li, d. a., wei, w. e. i., wang, d. a. n., chen, x. i., zhu, x.-k., zhang, f.-f. and yan, b. i. n., 2017. marine redox evolution in the early cambrian yangtze shelf margin area: evidence from trace elements, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes. geological magazine 154, 1344-1359.

[29]    wei, w., frei, r., gilleaudeau, g. j., li, d., wei, g.-y., huang, f. and ling, h.-f., 2020. variations of redox conditions in the atmosphere and yangtze platform during the ediacaran-cambrian transition: constraints from cr isotopes and ce anomalies. palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 543, 109598. 

[30]    wei, w., frei, r., chen, t.-y., klaebe, r., liu, h., li, d., wei, g.-y. and ling, h.-f., 2018. marine ferromanganese oxide: a potentially important sink of light chromium isotopes? chemical geology 495, 90-103.

[31]    wei, w., frei, r., gilleaudeau, g. j., li, d., wei, g.-y., chen, x. and ling, h.-f., 2018. oxygenation variations in the atmosphere and shallow seawaters of the yangtze platform during the ediacaran period: clues from cr-isotope and ce-anomaly in carbonates. precambrian research 313, 78-90.

[32]    wei, w., frei, r., klaebe, r., li, d., wei, g.-y. and ling, h. f., 2018. redox condition in the nanhua basin during the waning of the sturtian glaciation: a chromium-isotope perspective. precambrian research 319, 198-210.

[33]    wei, w., wang, d., li d., ling, h.-f., chen, x., wei, g.-y., zhang, f.-f., zhu, x.-k. and yan bin, 2016. the marine redox change and nitrogen cycle in the early cryogenian interglacial time: evidence from nitrogen isotopes and mo contents of the basal datangpo formation, northeastern guizhou, south china. journal of earth science 27, 233-241.



[1]   魏广祎. ba元素及其同位素示踪古生产力变化: 优势与不足. 2023年第八届地学青年论坛,武汉. 邀请口头报告.

[2]   魏广祎. 碎屑岩锂同位素重建前寒武纪-寒武纪转折期大陆化学风化强度变化. 2023 第七届全国沉积学大会,成都. 邀请口头报告.

[3]   魏广祎. 长时间尺度下海洋的氧化还原演化. 2021 地球化学空中会议室第二季第四期,线上. 邀请口头报告.

[4]   魏广祎,凌洪飞. 埃迪卡拉纪末期到寒武纪早期全球海洋氧化还原演化及其控制因素. 2020第十二届全国同位素地质年代学与同位素地球化学学术讨论会,武汉. 口头报告.

[5]   wei, g.-y., tarhan, l. g., planavsky, n. j., li, d., chen, x. and ling, h.-f. demise of dolomite-aragonite sea in the early cambrian coincided with stabilization of oceanic oxygenation. 2019 goldschmidt conference, barcelona. 口头报告.

[6]   guang-yi wei, noah j. planavsky, lidya g. tarhan, xi chen, wei wei, da li, hong-fei ling. environmental fluctuation triggered the cambrian explosion? 2018 goldschmidt conference, boston. 口头报告.

[7]   guangyi wei, boriana kalderon-asael, jun shen, wei wei, mingyu zhao, hongfei ling, noah planavsky. enhanced continental weathering intensity in the early cambrian and its effects on marine oxygenation and production. 2017 gsa annual meeting, seattle. 口头报告.

[8]   guangyi wei, ling hongfei, li da, wei wei, chen xi, wang dan. nitrogen and sulphur isotopic records in black shale of the early cambrian: implication for a stratified marine redox structure. 2016 goldschmidt conference, yokohama. 口头报告.

[9]   guangyi wei, hongfei ling. enhanced chemical weathering triggered an expansion of euxinic seawater in the aftermath of the sturtian glaciation. 2019 第六届青年地学论坛,西宁口头报告.

[10]guangyi wei, noah planavsky, ling hongfei. a novel model to estimate the ediacaran atmospheric o2 level. 2018 第五届青年地学论坛,南京口头报告.

[11]guangyi wei, ling hongfei, chen xi, li da, wei wei, wang dan. marine redox variation and sedimentary environment of the early cambrian yangtze block, south china: evidenve from trace elements, nitrogen isotope and sulphur isotope. 2015 中国地球科学联合学术年会,北京口头报告.



science bulletin (科学通报)national science reviewsnature communications; earth and planetary science letters; geochimica et cosmochimica acta; earth-science reviews; chemical geology; global and planetary change; precambrian research; palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology; precambrian researchscientific reports


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